General Instruction

  • The company strongly advise you to use the only experienced Contractor / Tile Mason for laying Natural Stone Products.
  • The entire Tiling activity must be supervised by either the Architect, Project Manager or the contractor.
  • Use the Adhesive / Grout / Sealant /Floor Cleaner first on Small Areas for testing and if you like the colour, then proceed for final installation.
  • Please follow Instructions of Manufacturer for Adhesive / Grout / Sealant /Floor Cleaner.
  • All the boxes should be opened and inspected before installation.
  • Natural stone contain differences in shades of the same colour. Tiles must be examined prior to installation to ensure that proper blending of all the tiles.
  • The surface should be cleaned to ensure that it is free from all types of surface contaminants.
  • It is recommended that stain free grout should be used on all the stone products.
  • It is also advised that one coat of sealer should be done on all the stone products before installation and grouting.
  • Grout should be applied in a diagonally motion with a hard sponge and allowed to set for about 10 to 15 minutes before washing the excess away.
  • Grouting level should be at least 3-4 mm below the tile level.
  • Clean up the grout completely, otherwise it will set on the tiles surface.
  • In case grout settles on the surface, remove it using any tile cleaner.
  • Refrain from using acid on tiles.
  • If in Doubt, Contact the nearest Natural Stone Dealer

Step to be followed for installation:

Instructions for removing 'yellowing' on Stone surface

On occasion, a subtle yellow hue will appear on the surface of certain stones. This yellow hue will naturally disappear. over time UNLESS it gets sealed into the stone via installation and or sealing. To remove yellowing follow either of the below approaches:

  • Natural Drying; Remove tiles from box and place in direct sunlight. Generally 15---30 minutes is sufficient time for the color to disappear. Note, times may vary depending on weather
  • Cleaning: a. Create a part mixture of 1/3 bleach, 2/3 water. Remove tiles from box and spray tile with mixture. Allow tile to completely dry. Repeat if necessary.

* Always use proper safety equipment in a ventilated area

Beside the general instruction we are providing you that additional information on the various E NATURAL STONE products.

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